Models of the Solar System - PowerPoint

Year 5
Models of the Solar System - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Science Resource Description

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In a comprehensive Year 5 educational resource, students are introduced to the historical models of the Solar System, focusing on the geocentric and heliocentric theories. The geocentric model, which was widely accepted in ancient times, places Earth at the centre of the universe with all other celestial bodies orbiting around it. This model was supported by notable philosophers such as Aristotle and Ptolemy and was in line with the Church's teachings that Earth was the creation of God, positioned at the universe's core. Students are encouraged to examine diagrams and discuss the similarities and differences between the two models, understanding that 'geo' means Earth and 'helio' refers to the Sun, which are key to grasping the foundational concepts of these historical theories.

Contrasting with the geocentric model is the heliocentric model, which was a revolutionary idea proposed by astronomers such as Nicolas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei. This model asserts that the Sun is at the centre of the Solar System, with Earth and other planets orbiting around it. The introduction of this model challenged the long-standing geocentric view and brought these scientists into conflict with the Church's teachings. Further advancements in this model were made by Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton, who discovered that planets orbit in elliptical paths and that their speeds vary depending on their distance from the Sun due to gravitational pull. The resource encourages students to explore these concepts through various activities, including watching educational videos and completing quizzes to reinforce their understanding of the evolution of Solar System models.

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